About Us

Kendyl Salcito serves as the Communications Director for the CO2 Scorecard initiative. Her expertise includes corporate governance evaluation and stakeholder communications with a focus on human rights. She honed her expertise in human rights and business performance while working as a foreign reporter in Burma, Indonesia and Canada, and developing nonprofits in Thailand and the US. She has advised industry groups on corporate human rights performance and contributed to the development of the UN’s Guidance Principles for Human Rights and Business.
She has been associated with CO2 Scorecard since 2009 as a policy analyst and communications strategist. Kendyl has been the recipient of numerous awards for journalism and reporting, including the Newspaper Guild's David S. Barr Award for social justice reporting, and serves as the Executive Director at Nomogaia in Denver. She holds an MA in Journalism from the University of British Columbia, a BA in History from Princeton University and is a current PhD Candidate for a Doctorate in Epidemiology at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH).

Shakeb Afsah is the Director of Policy Analysis at the CO2 Scorecard Group and a former environmental economist at the World Bank’s Development Research Group. Mr. Afsah oversees the Group’s policy research, development of indicators and scorecard methodology and implementation of the firm's data analysis and quality control systems. He is also the CEO of Bethesda-MD based consulting firm Performeks LLC and advises governments and corporations on environmental and resource management issues with a special focus on public disclosure and environmental transparency. He was a resident advisor to the Ministers of Environment in Indonesia and the Philippines, and continues to be a senior regulatory consultant to several governments and top multinationals. He also serves as an expert witness and a legal advisor on environmental cases. He has several published papers and recently co-authored a book on environmental regulations and public disclosure.
Mr. Afsah holds a Masters in Public Policy from Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and a Bachelor of Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India.
Eric Ness is the Technology Director and a specialist in the development of online databases, analytical applications and data visualization tools. Mr. Ness serves as Lead Programmer and Chief Technology Officer, implementing the Group's web-based analytical tools. He has substantial experience in implementing online data analysis tools for energy, environmental, public health and other policy issues. He is also a specialist on media analytics and online content evaluation, and helps organizations to generate meaningful web metrics to support their communications strategies and goals. Mr. Ness has lived in Indonesia, and is currently completing his course work to enroll in the Masters program in Software Engineering at Harvard University.